3D Archery Range

The Itasca Archery Range is a twenty-eight target Rinehart animal 3D course. It is designed to provide bowhunters with realistic practice to prepare them for the upcoming hunting seasons.
For those that are interested in competition, a 3D league is offered during the summer months.
Shooting Hours
May 1st through September 30th
Open seven days a week.
9:00am - 9:00pm
Daily Admission Per Person $10.00
Season Pass Individual $100.00 Family $125.00
Score Cards Available For No Extra Charge
Liability Release Form / Waiver
All range shooters and spectators are required to have on file a signed liability release form / waiver. No shooters under 18 unless accompanied by an adult (21 years or older).
How To Register
Can be purchased at the Itasca Archery Supply location. Pass is good for the dates of May 1st - September 30th. Family pass covers purchaser, as well as spouse and any children under age 18 living at home.
Can be purchased at the Itasca Archery Supply location. May be purchased on the day of use or in advance. Shooters will sign in for one day of use. A day pass is required for each shooter.
Course Rules
No alcoholic beverages allowed on the course at any time.
No recreational vehicles allowed on the course or surrounding trails.
Customer parking is allowed in designated areas only.
Please angle park and do not block the entry road.
Please do not litter; use the provided garbage cans.
Picnic tables, pavilion, and toilet are available for customer use.
Shooting & Safety Guidelines
Field points only! No broadheads allowed.
One arrow per target.
Must touch stake during the shot.
One shooter at a time.
Place bow on rack prior to retrieving arrow.
Be sure to stay on the marked path and travel only in the direction in which the targets are laid out while shooting is in progress.
Arrows should only be knocked on the shooting line and pointed in the direction of the targets.
When pulling arrows out of a target, stand to one side to make sure that no one is directly behind you.

Participants are asked to follow a Code of Conduct. Please show honesty, respect, and responsibility. Violation of the rules may lead to expulsion from the course.